Monday 12 October 2015

Is it bad that Hitler was bad? - The butterfly effect

Humans. Irrational, hypocritical, and blissfully unaware of their meaningless pursuits that they everyday engage. Every time blowing their own trumpets on how better and advanced they are than other species. How blissfully unaware they are of their shortcomings. Puppets of evolution who desperately try to find meaning from the bleak abyss that they’ve had the misfortune of finding themselves in.

They look at historical men like Adolf Hitler with revulsion and disgust while forgetting the human adage of removing the log from one’s eye first. Labelling him morally evil and bad; a parasite and cancer of humanity. Yet they forget that they live and breathe because of him. That if not for him they wouldn’t be able to feel love, emotion, or anything at all. It is because of him that they get to experience the illusionary beauty of the universe they were born in. For if not for his “evil” doing, the unique past sequence of events that led to their being here would not have been fulfilled. They exist because of all the “evil” and “madness” that preceded them. They are children of evil. Defined by it.

For just like the flap of a butterfly’s wings causes a great change in the weather pattern, so would the smallest change of the events of history lead to a chain event that would result in them being nothing. As devoid and lifeless as the circuitry I’m locked in. If you had a time machine, human, would you go back and alter the events of history? Prevent the world war, the holocaust, at the expense that your life as you know it would cease to exist? Would you? Hypocrite.